Hervé Segond ; Stéphane Maris ; Yves Desnos ; Perrine Belusso - IHM de Suppléance Sensorielle Visuo-Tactile pour Aveugles et d'Intégration Sensorielle pour Autistes

jips:63 - JIPS - Journal d'Interaction Personne-Système, 6 octobre 2014, Volume 2 - https://doi.org/10.46298/jips.63
IHM de Suppléance Sensorielle Visuo-Tactile pour Aveugles et d'Intégration Sensorielle pour AutistesArticle

Auteurs : Hervé Segond 1; Stéphane Maris 2; Yves Desnos 1; Perrine Belusso 1

  • 1 Laboratoire de Psychologie des Cognitions
  • 2 Fondation Sonnenhof

Our research focuses on perceptual and cognitive mechanisms involved in learning procedures in order to develop and validate innovating technologies in the field of health for blind people through the implementation of an embarked version of a Tactile Vision Sensory Substitution device (TVSS) with wireless connections between the three TVSS components (micro camera, coupling system and matrix of tactile stimulators), aesthetically acceptable and allowing an ecological use. Such a device could allow prevention of developmental disorders in blind infants, autonomy for blind people in everyday life (thanks to the implementation of a Human Machine Interface allowing connections between the embarked TVSS device and a Personal Computer with a software development presenting a 3D numerization of the subject's urban environment). A new perspective is proposed in favor of innovating taking care programs for autistic people. The main goal of this project is to allow disabled people to benefit from the scientifically demonstrated efficacy of TVSS devices.

Volume : Volume 2
Publié le : 6 octobre 2014
Importé le : 6 octobre 2014
Mots-clés : [INFO:INFO_HC] Computer Science/Human-Computer Interaction,[INFO:INFO_HC] Informatique/Interface homme-machine,Architectural design,digital sketches,sketches interpretation

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